Posts Tagged: Laurel Hunt Pedersen arrangements

Hasten, Ye Shepherds [Pospieszcie Pastuszki] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Midst the Deep Silence [Wsrod Noenej Ciszy] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Over That Mountain [Przy Onej Gorze] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Crib So Poor and Narrow [Ach Ubogi Zlobie] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Lift Up Your Hearts (Vaughan Williams organ preludes)

Awake My Heart With Gladness (Cruger organ preludes)

Lord, In This Thy Mercy’s Day (Cruger organ preludes)

Grant Us Thy Mercy (Baroque organ preludes)

Christ Came to Bear Our Sins (Bourgeois organ preludes)

Prayer [Humperdinck] (Romantic organ preludes)