Posts Tagged: free organ preludes

Lost Chord, The (Sullivan organ preludes)

Shepherd’s Cradle Song [Wiegenlied Der Hirten] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Shepherds, Where Ye’ve Been (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Tell Me, Shepherds Dear [Gdy Sliczna Panna] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Where, Ye Shepherds, Were Ye Going [Pastuszkowie Bracia Mili] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Let Us All Go [Pojdzmy Wszyscy] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Oh, Star of Bethlehem [O Gwiazdo Betlejemska] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Hark, Of Good and Joyful Tidings (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Hear Us, Holy Spirit (Sullivan organ preludes)

Golden Harps Are Sounding (Sullivan organ preludes)