Posts Tagged: Christmas carols for organ

He is Born, the Divine Child [Il est ne divin Enfant] (Christmas from France, vol. II)

Come Leave Your Sheep [Quittez, Pasteurs] (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Angels Came to Sing, The (Sally DeFord, Christmas, vol. II)

Magic of Christmas, The (A. Laurence Lyon organ preludes)

Lullaby (Christmas in America, vol. V)

We Hail Thee With Rejoicing [Mozart] (Classical Christmas)

Morning Star is Revealed, The [Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen – Praetorius] (Classical Christmas)

Christmas Bells Are Ringing (Christmas from America, vol. III)

Watchman, Tell Us of the Night (Christmas from America, vol. III)

Above, On the Mountain [Da Droben vom Berge] (Christmas from Germany, vol. V)