Posts in Category: Organ Music

Joyful Christmas Song, A (Christmas in Europe organ preludes)

First Light is the Word of God, The [Det forste lyse er ordet talt af Gud] (Christmas from Denmark)

Christmas Carol [Julesange-ved Julen] (Christmas from Denmark)

Christmas Has Brought Blessings [Julen har bragt velsignet bud] (Christmas from Denmark)

My Heart Always Beats [Mit hjerte altid vanker] (Christmas from Denmark)

This is the Day the Lord Has Made [Denne er dagen, som Herren har gjort] (Christmas from Denmark)

To Say Goodbye to the World [At sige verden ret farvel] (Christmas from Denmark)

Angelic Sounds of Christmas, The [Julen har englelyd] (Christmas from Denmark)

Little Child So Merry, A [Et lidet Barn saa lystelig] (Christmas from Denmark)

Bells of Christmas, The [Det kimer nu til julefest] (Christmas from Denmark)