Posts in Category: Hymns from Other Lands

Sisu e Na’a Ne Paki [Jesus Who Breaketh Bread] (Tongan hymn preludes)

Oid el Toque del Clarin [Hear the Clarion Call of the Gospel] (Spanish hymn preludes)

No Hablamos con enojo [Let Us Not Speak With Anger] (Spanish hymn preludes)

Mirad al Salvador [Look to the Savior] (Spanish hymn preludes)

Faka’ofa Kiate Au II [He Who Was Crucified] (Tongan hymn preludes)

Faka’ofa Kiate Au I [He Who Was Crucified] (Tongan hymn preludes)

El dia santo Senor [The Lord’s Holy Day] (Spanish hymn preludes)

A Dios ofrecemos gozosa cancion [To God, We Offer Our Joyous Song] (Spanish hymn preludes)

Shepherds, Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep (French Christmas organ preludes)

C’est le jour beni [‘Tis the Blessed Day] (French Christmas organ preludes)

Tis the Blessed Day – French Organ prelude
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