Posts in Category: Christmas preludes from European Countries

Sleep, Sleep Lovely Babe [Dormi, dormi o bel Bambin] (Christmas from Italy)

Thou Came Down From the Stars [Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle] (Christmas from Italy)

Christ Child [Gesu Bambino] (Christmas from Italy)

Oh, How Joyfully [O Sanctissima] (Christmas from Italy)

Grant Us Peace [Dona Nobis Pacem] (Christmas from Italy)

Loving Mother of the Redeemer [Alma Redemptorius Mater] (Christmas from Italy)

Happy Christmas Comes Once More, The [Det simer nu til Julefest] (Christmas from Denmark)

First Light is the Word of God, The [Det forste lyse er ordet talt af Gud] (Christmas from Denmark)

Christmas Carol [Julesange-ved Julen] (Christmas from Denmark)

Christmas Has Brought Blessings [Julen har bragt velsignet bud] (Christmas from Denmark)