Posts in Category: Christmas preludes from France and Germany

Shepherdess, The [D’ou viens-tu, bergere?] (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Come Leave Your Sheep [Quittez, Pasteurs] (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Touro-Louro-Louro (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Sleep, Little Dove [Dors, Ma Colombe] (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Now Tell Us, Gentle Mary (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Story of Jesus Christ, The [Ballade de Jesus-Christ] (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Listen Lordlings, Unto Me (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Although You Are Still Weak and Helpless [Quoique soyez petit encore] (Christmas from France, vol. III)

People, Look East (Christmas from France, vol. III)

Ancient Tree, The [D’un arbre seculaire] (Christmas from France, vol. I)