Posts By Laurel Hunt Pedersen

Angel’s Message, The [Die botschaft des Engels] (Christmas from Germany, vol. II)

Ah, Dearest Jesus, Holy Child [Ah liebstes, Jesus heiliges kind] (Christmas from Germany, vol. II)

Gentle Mary Laid Her Child [Sanfte Maria legte ihr Kind] (Christmas from Germany, vol. II)

He Whom Shepherds Once Came Praising [Er, Den Hirten einst lobten] (Christmas from Germany, vol. II)

Heaven’s All Gracious King [Himmel alle gnadigen Konig] (Christmas from Germany, vol. II)

Creator of the Stars [Schopfer der Sterne] (Christmas from Germany, vol. II)

Cranen (Christmas from Denmark)

Child Jesus Came to Earth This Day (Christmas from Denmark)

Babe is Born in Bethlehem, A (Christmas from Denmark)

Now Found Is the Fairest of Roses (Christmas from Denmark)