Posts By Laurel Hunt Pedersen

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach organ preludes, vol. III)

Song of Praise [Lobgesang] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Prayer [Gebet] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Towards the Light [Ins Licht] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Prayer for a Peaceful End [Bitte um ein seliges Sterben] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Last Farewell, The [Abschied] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Longing for Death [Todessehnsucht] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Towards the End [Dem Ende zu] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

In Fear and Despair [Aus Angst und Not] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)

Away from Worldliness [Abkehr von der Welt] (Bach organ preludes, vol. II)