Posts By Laurel Hunt Pedersen

Hark, Of Good and Joyful Tidings (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Lamb of God (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Lulapze Jezuniu [Lullaby] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Midnight Was Chiming [Polnoc Juz Byla] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Midst the Deep Silence [Wsrod Noenej Ciszy] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

On the Night When Jesus Came [Gdy Sie Chrystus Rodzi] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Poor the Surroundings [Mizerna, Cicha (II Medodja)] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Still in Jewry [Judzka Kraine] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

On, On to Bethlehem [Do Betlejemu] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)

Over That Mountain [Przy Onej Gorze] (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)