Posts By Laurel Hunt Pedersen

Shepherd, Shepherd [Pasterzu, Pasterzu] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Shepherds Are We All (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Come Running, Ye Shepherds [O Laufet ihr Hirten] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Who is There to Hear Our Carol [W Tej Kolendzie] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Where, Ye Shepherds, Were Ye Going [Pastuszkowie Bracia Mili] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Hasten, Ye Shepherds [Pospieszcie Pastuszki] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Let Us All Go [Pojdzmy Wszyscy] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Salvation, Sang the Angels [Anielski Chor] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Oh, Star of Bethlehem [O Gwiazdo Betlejemska] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Christmas from Poland, vol. I)