Posts By Laurel Hunt Pedersen

How Lovely Shines the Morning Star [Wie Schon Leuchtet der Morgenstern] (Christmas from Germany, vol. III)

Praise God, All Christians [Lobt Gott, ihr Christians, allzugleich] (Christmas from Germany, vol. III)

Come, Let Us Praise Christ [Kommt und lasst uns Christus ehren] (Christmas from Germany, vol. III)

Lost Chord, The (Sullivan organ preludes)

Brethren, Are Ye Sleeping [Hej Bracia Czy Wy Spicie] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Shepherd’s Cradle Song [Wiegenlied Der Hirten] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Shepherds, Where Ye’ve Been (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Shepherd, A (Christmas from America, vol. III)

See the Skies, Ye Brethren (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)

Tell Me, Shepherds Dear [Gdy Sliczna Panna] (Christmas from Poland, vol. II)